Patients: Chin Implant
Bellevue, Seattle Chin Implant Patient 1
14-year-old girl came in to the office desiring a rhinoplasty. A chin implant was recommended to balance out her profile and she underwent both a nasal surgery as well as a chin augmentation with a contoured silastic chin (mandibular) implant inserted from a chin (extra-oral) appoach.
More....Bellevue, Seattle Chin Implant Patient 2
20-year-old woman who desired a stronger chin to balance her face, especially in her profile. She underwent chin augmentation with a contoured silastic chin (mandibular) implant. A balancing a rhinoplasty was also performed.
More....Bellevue, Seattle Chin Implant Patient 3
46-year-old woman who desired a stronger chin to balance her face, especially in her profile. She underwent chin augmentation with a contoured silastic chin (mandibular) implant. She also had a rhinoplasty.
More....Bellevue, Seattle Cheek, Chin & Lip Implants and Lifts Patient 4
39-year-old woman who desired a stronger chin to balance her face, especially in her profile. She underwent chin augmentation with a contoured silastic chin (mandibular) implant as well as rhinoplasty. Her cheek implants, inserted elsewhere, were repositioned. Note the improved right cheek contour.
More....Bellevue, Seattle Chin Implant Patient 5
37-year-old woman who desired a stronger chin to balance her face, especially in her profile. She underwent chin augmentation with a contoured silastic chin (mandibular) implant.
More....Bellevue, Seattle Chin Implant Patient 6
32-year-old man who desired a stronger chin to balance his face, especially in his profile. He underwent chin augmentation with a contoured silastic chin (mandibular) implant.