Over the last several years new techniques and technology, approved by the FDA, have evolved to non-invasively and without surgery thin heavy thighs, flatten belly bulges and melt chin double chins. Here is a review of available methods used to treat various body areas: Slimming the Body Contour CoolSculpting is mainly used for removing fat… Read More
Archive for the ‘Body Contouring’ Category
Laser Liposuction in Seattle
PostedDr. Zemplenyi has been contouring and refining body shapes in Seattle, Bellevue and beyond since 1998. As technology has evolved, so have the techniques used at Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery. At Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery we believe in customizing treatment to meet YOUR preferences and needs. We’re also proud to offer consultations for… Read More
Considering Neck Liposuction
PostedGetting rid of unwanted fat is a goal that many people have as they struggle with weight loss efforts, exercise methods and changes in diet. Losing fat can be challenging, and even if you’re doing everything right as far as working out and eating well is concerned, there are still those stubborn fatty spots on… Read More
Get a More Youthful Look with Neck Liposuction
PostedAs we age, the skin loses elasticity, and facial support structures become less firm. Additionally, fat accumulates in some areas creating double chins, muscle support loosens to form neck banding skin and skin sags into a “turkey waddle” . Liposuction is an excellent approach for removing those unwanted and unattractive fat deposits to create a… Read More
The Rise of Smartlipo™
PostedAccording to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction was the most performed cosmetic surgical procedure in 2013 with nearly 365,000 procedure performed. This is a 16% increase from 2012 and is only expected to grow in the coming years as our increasingly health conscious society desires a tighter, more sculpted body. How is… Read More
Why Are So Many Men Getting Plastic Surgery?
PostedWe live in a society where good looks and youth are the most sought-after possessions amongst men and women. For years, women have always been first in line for cosmetic procedures of all kinds, but today, there has been a huge boom in cosmetic surgery among men. In March 2012, the American Society of Aesthetic… Read More
Tighter Skin, Shapelier Contour with Smart Lipo
PostedWhat is SmartLipo Triplex SmartLipo Triplex uses the third generation of SMART-Lipo technology for liposculpting and relies on energy of three laser wavelength to dissolve stubborn fat while tightening skin. The technique uses all three frequencies to achieve more precise results, with less downtime and trauma. An internal temperature probe at the tip of the… Read More
What is the Difference Between Liposuction and Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
PostedLiposuction OR Abdominoplasty? Contoured, Sculpted Body and Flat, Firm Tummy Even with an active lifestyle in our beautiful Seattle region, a healthy diet and exercise may not achieve the body image we want. For those persons with fat deposits which stubbornly do not budge or with excess skin that loosely hangs, liposuction and/or abdominoplasty may… Read More
Why Choose Bel-Red Center For Aesthetic Surgery?
PostedLooking for a Seattle Cosmetic Surgeon can be confusing and daunting. You want a proven professional who is known for excellent results and the highest quality care in private, comfortable surroundings. You want the best overall experience possible with the most attractive results and a fast recovery. If all of these things are important to… Read More
Bel-Red Center For Aesthetic Surgery Offers Laser Liposuction
PostedSmartlipo TRIPLEXTM, laser-assisted precision lipo-sculpting offers many benefits and is an affordable option for people who are interested in shaping their body into a beautiful silhouette. Dr. Jan Zemplenyi at Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery offers laser liposuction to help people interested in removing fat and tightening skin in the abdomen, arms, back, flanks, hips,… Read More