Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery
5 out of 5 5 1 12
(425) 358-4164
1260 116th Ave NE, Ste 110, Bellevue, WA 98004

Bellevue, Seattle Liposuction Smartlipo Arms & Thighs Patient 5

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BeforeAfter Bellevue, Seattle Liposuction Smartlipo Thighs Patient 5 Bellevue, Seattle Liposuction Smartlipo Thighs Patient 5
BeforeAfter Bellevue, Seattle Liposuction Smartlipo Thighs Patient 5 Bellevue, Seattle Liposuction Smartlipo Thighs Patient 5

37-year-old woman, 5’7”  tall, weight 138 pounds, had a flat abdomen but could not decrease the size of  her thighs (saddlebags) that she had “like her mother”.  Bulging of the outer thighs and contact between the inner thighs was decrease with tumescent liposuction using small cannulas under sedation anesthesia.  Patient was happy with her new leg contour as well as her ability to fit into stylish pants.  Also note that cellulite (superficial skin contour irregularity) does not improve with liposuction. *Individual patient results will vary