Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery
5 out of 5 5 1 12
(425) 358-4164
1260 116th Ave NE, Ste 110, Bellevue, WA 98004

Combination Smartlipo ™ and SmartSkin ™ (SmartLook ™) procedure for neck and jowls

The concept of deep dermal heating to achieve tightening of lose, aging skin in a minimally invasive manner is not new. At the Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery we have exciting new, updated technology to achieve deep dermal heating of facial and neck tissues more precisely.

The neck (especially under the chin) and the jowls of the face are treated by a combined application of laser (heat) energy on the surface & the undersurface of the skin to stimulate maximal skin tightening also known as the SmartLook TM procedure. Our Smartlipo Triplex TM, equipped with an internal temperature measurement probe (Therma-guide), and our SmartSkin TM, equipped with multi-pulsing technology, allow us to perform this task. The procedure may be performed under local anesthesia or under twilight sleep — your choice. It may also be combined with fat transfer or other dermal filling substances. At our center this procedure replaces older skin tightening technologies such as Syneron ReFirm TM, Syneron Polaris TM, Solta Thermage TM and Cutera Titan TM. Minimally-invasive skin tightening does not replace.

We are the only center in the Pacific Northwest to bring you this latest advance in facial rejuvenation– so call us now for a consultation to explore if this treatment is the right choice for you!