Patients: Rhinoplasty
Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 1
55-year-old woman concerned about her crooked nose, small hump and difficulty with nasal breathing. To straighten her nose and improve her breathing, she underwent an open rhinoplasty, septoplasty, osteotomies, shaving of hump, tip grafting and spreader grafting using septal cartilage. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 2
28-year-old woman concerned about her crooked nose, small hump and difficulty with nasal breathing. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty, septoplasty, osteotomies, shaving of hump and columellar strut grafting using septal cartilage. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 3
33-year-old woman complaining about her crooked nose, small hump and difficulty with nasal breathing. She underwent an open rhinoplasty, septoplasty, osteotomies, columellar strut graft and spreader grafting to straighten her nose and improve her breathing. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 4
14-year-old girl concerned about her long nose, bridge hump as well as a receding, small chin. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty, septoplasty, hump removal using osteotomy & shaving and a silastic chin implant to balance her profile. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 5
34-year-old Asian man concerned about his low and wide nasal bridge, problems wearing sunglasses and a wide nasal tip. For a natural, harmonious appearance he underwent an ethnic, Asian open rhinoplasty with osteostomies, rib graft implant for the nasal bridge, narrowing of the tip, lengthening of the nose and narrowing of the nasal alar base to achieve a natural appearance. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 6
32-year-old woman concerned about nasal hump and nasal tip. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty with bony osteostomies, lowering of the bony hump to achieve balance of her profile and tip narrowing with refinement of the tip cartilage. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 7
58-year-old man concerned about his hooked, droopy nasal tip and long nose. He underwent an open rhinoplasty with tip lowering and rotation to achieve harmony between the tip profile and the nasal bridge. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 8
37-year-old woman concerned about her nasal bridge hump, and a narrow, long nose. To improve her nose especially in profile, she underwent a closed rhinoplasty, osteostomies, lowering of the bony and cartilagenous bridge and refinement of tip cartilages. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 9
40-year-old woman concerned about width of her nose including a small nasal bridge hump. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty with bony osteostomies, shaving of the hump and tip cartilage narrowing to rotate and narrow her boxy tip. She also had lower eyelid trans-conjuctival (incision from inside the lower eyelid) blepharoplasty. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 10
20-year-old woman mainly complaining about her nasal bump and nasal congestion. To improve her profile and open her nasal passages she underwent a closed rhinoplasty, septoplasty and turbinoplasites with lowering of the bony bridge and a tip refinement. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 11
21-year-old man concerned about his large nose with a prominent nasal hump and nasal breathing difficulties. He underwent an open rhinoplasty, columellar graft to prevent tip rotation, shaving of nasal spine to improve the nasal-lip angle, bony osteostomies to lower the hump and refinement of the cartilaginous nasal bridge. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 12
18-year-old woman complaining about her wide nasal tip appearance and a prominent nose. Rhinoplasty included a primary open rhinoplasty with refinement and suturing to narrow the tip cartilages, columellar strut grafting, osteotomies and hump shaving. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 13
40-year-old man experiencing nasal breathing and a crooked nasal appearance following a nasal fracture. He had had a previous surgery to partially correct the nasal fracture. He underwent a revision open rhinoplasty, septoplasty, osteotomies, spreader grafting to improve nasal breathing and crookedness, and small bump shaving to improve the profile. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 14
19-year-old woman concerned about her prominent nose and a small receding chin. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty, septoplasty, hump removal using osteotomy & shaving and a silastic chin implant to balance her profile. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 15
39-year-old woman complaining about her wide nasal tip appearance. Rhinoplasty included a primary open rhinoplasty with refinement and suturing to narrow the tip cartilages, columellar strut grafting, and grafting of the nasal frontal angle to improve harmony in the profile view. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 16
23-year-old woman complaining about her wide nasal tip and long nose. Correction included a primary open rhinoplasty with refinement and suturing to narrow and rotate the tip cartilages, columellar strut grafting, osteotomies and small hump shaving. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 17
36-year-old woman with a crooked, broken nose from an accident. She underwent a primary closed rhinoplasty with osteotomies to straight her nose. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 18
27-year-old woman concerned about her nasal hump and a hanging columella. Primary closed rhinoplasty included narrowing and rotation of the tip, shortening of the columella, osteotomies and lowering of the nasal hump. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 19
29-year-old woman concerned about her crooked, long nose, a prominent nasal hump and nasal obstruction. Her closed primary rhinoplasty included refinement of the tip cartilages to achieve mild tip rotation, nasal shortening, osteotomies, shaving of the nasal hump, septoplasty and turbinate reduction. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 20
18-year-old woman concerned about her prominent nasal hump along with nasal obstruction. Her primary closed rhinoplasty included osteotomies and lowering of the hump to improve her nasal profile along with a septopasty and turbinate reductions. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 21
40-year-old woman concerned about the prominent hump on her nose. Her primary closed rhinoplasty included osteotomies and lowering of the hump to improve her nasal profile along with a septoplasty to straighten the crooked nose along with improvement of the nasal breathing and airway. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 22
16-year-old girl concerned about the prominent hump of her nose. Her primary closed rhinoplasty included osteotomies and lowering of the hump to improve her nasal profile. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 23
17-year-old girl wished to have a refinement of the tip of her nose along with improvement of her nasal breathing and congestion. Her primary closed rhinoplasty included mild tip rotation to shorten the nose, reduction of the small bump and a septoplasty along with turbinate reduction. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 24
26-year-old concerned about prominent hump of his nose and obstructed breathing. His primary closed rhinoplasty included osteotomies and lowering of the hump to improve the nasal profile along with a septoplasty to improve his nasal breathing. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 25
32-year-old woman with a long nose, hooked droopy tip and a bump on the bridge of her nose. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty with shaving of the bump and tip rotation to shorten, refine and feminize her nose. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 26
18-year-old woman desiring improvement of her nasal tip along with lowering of the hump of her nose. She underwent an ethnic, primary open septo-rhinoplasty with hump removal and tip narrowing including columellar strut grafting using cartilage harvested from the septum. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 27
27-year-old woman with concerns about the droopy, hooked tip of her nose along with a bump. She underwent an ethnic primary closed rhinoplasty with hump removal, osteotomies, tip narrowing and mild tip rotation to shorten her nose. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 28
26-year-old woman desiring feminization and refinement of the tip of her nose. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty with narrowing and lowering of her prominent tip cartilages. Additional improvement of her profile was achieved by grafting of her nasal bridge using cartilage from her nasal tip. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 29
21-year-old woman desiring feminization and narrowing of the wide tip of her nose. She underwent an open rhinoplasty with narrowing and raising of the tip, grafting, osteotomies and shaving of the bump on the bridge of her nose. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 30
14-year-old girl with a crooked, broken nose from an accident along with nasal obstruction. She underwent a primary closed rhinoplasty with osteotomies to straight her nose, septopasty and turbinate reduction. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 31
36-year-old woman with obstruction of her breathing and concerns about her crooked nose and a bump of the bridge of her nose. She underwent a primary closed rhinoplasty with osteotomies to straight her nose, shaving of her bump, septoplasty and turbinate reduction. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 32
31-year-old woman with concerns about the droopy, hooked tip of her nose along with a bump. She underwent a primary closed rhinoplasty with hump removal, osteotomies, tip narrowing and mild tip rotation. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Bellevue, Seattle Rhinoplasty Patient 33
24-year-old woman concerned about nasal bump. She did not wish to have a surgical rhinoplasty. She, instead, opted for a non-surgical alternative: filling the hollow above the bump with a filler to camouflage the hump and even out the profile.
Photo 1: Before
Photo 2: Immediately following injection
Photo 3: Four Months Later
Photo 4: Immediately following the four-month touch-up
*Individual patient results will vary
Dr. Z is amazing! He helped to eliminate scarring on my forehead that no one else I consulted with seemed to have an answer for (unless I wanted to fly to NJ!). I've gone to him for various maintenance treatments through the years, and he's very honest, if he thinks something is not needed he will explain in great detail why. Beyond that, he's extremely personable, professional, and gets my highest recommendation!