Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery
5 out of 5 5 1 12
(425) 358-4164
1260 116th Ave NE, Ste 110, Bellevue, WA 98004

What are the risks with septoplasty?


Risks of septoplasty include bleeding, infection, incomplete resolution of nasal blockage, hole in the nasal septum, changes to the outside of the nose, need for repeat surgery. There are also anesthetic risks including respiratory or cardiac problems. The risks will be reviewed before surgery.

What can I expect post septoplasty?


You will go home after the septoplasty. Sometimes the nose is packed with gauze after the procedure but usually it does not need packing. There may be nasal congestion from swelling and some discharge from the nose for several days after surgery, decreasing over a week. There is no splint placed on the nose after… Read More

How can I prepare for septoplasty?


Before septoplasty the patient should stop using any medications that prolong bleeding such as anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, some herbal supplements and vitamin E. You will be asked to not eat after midnight the day before your surgery. Smoking should be stopped before the procedure. Someone needs to be available to bring you to the surgery,… Read More

Why do you need a septoplasty?


If medical treatment such as decongestants or allergy treatments do not work to relieve nasal congestion or difficulty breathing and examination of the inside of the nose reveals a deviated septum (a septum not in the midline) blocking air passages, then septoplasty should be considered to remove the physical blockage and improve breathing.

What is the nasal septum?


The septum separates the left and right sides of the nose. It consists of cartilage in the front of the nose and thin bone in the back of the nose, covered by mucous membranes.

What is a septoplasty?


A septoplasty is surgery to straighten a deviated septum. One can be born with a deviated septum or it can shift as a result of trauma, like a broken nose, or just from growth in puberty. Septoplasty surgery usually does not involve incisions on the outside of the nose so there will not be scaring… Read More