The cost for sclerotherapy depends on the size of the affected area and will be discussed at the time of the pre-operative visit.
What are the risks associated with Sclerotherapy?
PostedTemporary discomfort at the injection site and brown skin discoloration may occur at the injection site. In some persons, the discoloration may take several months to resolve but it usually fades more promptly. There may be need for repeat treatment.
What is the recovery time for Sclerotherapy?
PostedGenerally, there is no recovery time after sclerotherapy treatments and regular activities may be resumed after treatment.
What can I expect post-procedure?
PostedAfter the procedure, wearing of compression hose may be recommended. Walking is encouraged, although squatting and heavy lifting should be avoided. Strenuous exercise and hot baths should also be avoided for about a week. The injection site may be bruised initially, fading over several weeks.
What can I expect during Sclerotherapy?
PostedThe area is cleaned to maintain sterility. Then, under good visualization, sclerotherapy solution is injected into the veins using very fine needles. Multiple veins and areas can be treated during one session.
What kind of anesthesia is used during Sclerotherapy?
PostedMost patients do not require any anesthesia for vein injection but topical anesthetic can be discussed with your physician.
What is the Sclerotherapy procedure?
PostedDuring the procedure, sclerosing solution is injected into the veins, effectively closing them. The procedure is performed under bright light with good magnification for precise injection of the offending blood vessels. Depending on how many veins are involved, more than one injection will be necessary.
Who is a candidate for Sclerotherapy?
PostedSclerotherapy is a great option for anyone who wants to get rid of the small, red and blue spider veins on the legs and ankles.
What is Sclerotherapy?
PostedSclerotherapy diminishes or eliminates small spider veins on the leg or ankle by injection of a sclerosing solution. This solution irritates the inside of the vein, closing it and eventually causing it to fade. Spider veins can also be ablated with laser treatment through the skin and the laser therapy may be combined with sclerotherapy.