The risks of otoplasty are minimal: poor healing with recurrence of the deformity, poor scarring, rare risk of infection. All risks will be thoroughly reviewed before surgery.
What Is the cost for otoplasty?
PostedThe cost of otoplasty varies with the deformity to be corrected and will be discussed during consultation.
What can I expect after otoplasty? What is the recovery time for otoplasty?
PostedThe patient is usually sent home within an hour after surgery. On the first or second post-operative day the bandage is removed and exchanged for a compressive headband. The headband is then worn for two to three weeks to maintain the ears’ new position. For about a month activities that might deform the ear should… Read More
What can I expect during the otoplasty procedure?
PostedOtoplasty surgery is performed through an incision behind the ear, in the fold where the ear is joined to the head. Cartilage and skin are removed to bring the ear closer to the head. Depending on the required correction, cartilage is trimmed and countoured to achieve the desired result. Permanent sutures are used to hold… Read More
How can I prepare for otoplasty?
PostedBefore otoplasty, any medications that increase bleeding such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications or herbal supplements should have been discontinued for at least a week.
What kind of anesthesia is used during otoplaty?
PostedIn young children, general anesthesia is used for maximal comfort. For older children and adults, IV anesthesia, “twilight sleep” sedation, along with local anesthesia are used. Patients are very comfortable with the sedation, wake up quickly and do not recollect the procedure. If requested, general anesthesia can be administered to adults as well. We are… Read More
Will ear surgery, otoplasty, cause a change in hearing?
PostedSurgery to pin back the ears will not cause any discernible change in hearing.
At what age can otoplasty, pinning back the ears, be performed?
PostedOtoplasty is usually performed after the age of five or six, when the ears have reached their full size. Adults can undergo otoplasty.
What is otoplasty?
PostedOtoplasty is surgery to correct the position, shape or proportions of the ears. This ear surgery can treat ear defects from birth or those resulting from later trauma. Otoplasty not only corrects the appearance of ears that seem out of proportion to the face or stick out, but resolves the self-consciousness and social discomfort that… Read More