The cost for neck lift and neck liposuction depends on the procedures or combination of procedures performed. The cost can range from $5,000 to $7,000.
What Are Risks Associated With Neck Lift / Neck Liposuction?
PostedIn our certified and state-licensed surgical center patient safety and comfort are our main concerns. The risk to your general health from cosmetic surgical procedures including neck rejuvenation is very low. However, no surgery should ever be taken lightly, and fastidious precautions related to the entire surgical operative care must be followed. As with other… Read More
What can I expect after the procedure? What is the recovery time for neck lift/liposuction?
PostedNeck lift and neck liposuction are outpatient procedures with patients leaving the outpatient surgical center within an hour of surgery. The surgical area is bandaged and a drain may be placed to prevent fluid accumulation. Drains, if placed, and bandages are removed after a day or two and sutures, unless self-absorbing, are removed ten or… Read More
What can I expect during neck lift and neck liposuction?
PostedThe procedures performed depend on your concerns and goals and include some or all of the following. A facelift is frequently performed with a neck lift to optimize esthetic results. Neck Banding: The muscle bands that become prominent along the neck can be tightened with a cervicoplasty, also known as a platysmaplasty. Through small incisions… Read More
How can I prepare for neck lift / neck liposuction?
PostedTaking care of your well-being will make both the surgery and recovery easier. Thus eating a healthy diet, performing regular cardiovascular exercise, avoiding smoking and keeping weight under control will promote uncomplicated healing. If you are on blood pressure medications, your hypertension should be under good control. You need to avoid blood thinners including aspirin… Read More
What kind of anesthesia is used during neck lift and neck liposuction?
PostedNeck rejuvenation is usually performed under IV sedation, “twilight sleep” anesthesia which allows for comfort, no recollection or the procedure and fast recovery after the surgery. Injection of local anesthetic further numbs the surgical area and decreases on bleeding.
Who is a candidate for a neck lift/neck liposuction?
PostedPersons with loose neck skin, double chin, neck banding or “turkey gobbler neck” are all candidates for neck rejuvenation.
What is a neck lift?
PostedA neck lift is a procedure that addresses aging changes in the neck. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, facial supporting structures loosen, and fat accumulates in undesirable areas – “turkey waddle”, neck banding and double chin are the result. A tighter, well contoured neck with a more defined jaw line is Dr…. Read More
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