Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery
5 out of 5 5 1 12
(425) 358-4164
1260 116th Ave NE, Ste 110, Bellevue, WA 98004

How much does a facelift cost?


The cost of a facelift varies with the extent of the procedure and the type of anesthesia used. There appears to be geographic variation in the cost as well.  At the Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery in the Seattle and Bellevue area, our normal price range for the complete facelift package, including professional, facility fees… Read More

What are the risks with a facelift?


In our certified and state-licensed surgical center patient safety and comfort are our main concerns. The risk to your general health from cosmetic surgical procedures including a facelift is very low.  However, no surgery should ever be taken lightly, and fastidious precautions related to the entire surgical operative care must be followed. As with other… Read More

Post procedure care for facelift?


Head elevation with cold compresses will minimize swelling and discoloration to speed recovery. Lymphatic drainage can sometimes be used to further accelerate resolution of post-operative edema.  After sutures are removed, our esthetician services can suggest camouflage makeup and proper hair styling which also plays a role in post-surgical cover-up. You will receive written and verbal… Read More

What is the recovery time for facelift?


When your facelift is completed, a bandage will be placed around your face to minimize facial swelling and bruising.  A thin tube may be placed to collect any fluid or blood accumulations in underlying tissues.  The bandage and drain are usually removed the next day and sutures in seven to ten days.  There may be… Read More

Where are facelift incisions placed?


Locations of Incisions: The locations and extent of facelift incisions are tailored to the areas you would like to see rejuvenated.  Incisions in a traditional facelift are hidden in the hairline behind the temple, continue in and around the natural crease of the ear, ending in the scalp behind the ear. For lesser amounts of… Read More

What kind of anesthesia is used during a facelift?


At the Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery we are dedicated to making your procedure as comfortable and anxiety-free as possible.  Though we always attempt to comply with special patient requests, we recommend performance of facelift surgery under twilight sleep or general anesthesia. For general anesthesia we use experienced, board certified anesthesia providers who are dedicated… Read More

How can I prepare for facelift?


Taking care of your well-being will make both the surgery and recovery easier. Thus eating a healthy diet, performing regular cardiovascular exercise, avoiding smoking and keeping weight under control will promote uncomplicated healing. If you are on blood pressure medications, your hypertension should be under good control. You need to avoid blood thinners including aspirin… Read More

Who is a candidate for a facelift?


A facelift is an option for men and women who wish to regain the more youthful look that increased skin folds and sagging facial tissues now conceal.  Most of our patients are individuals in their late 40s through 60s who are bothered by the effects of aging changes on the facial contour and neck profile. … Read More

What is a facelift?


Much the same as you would, in front of a mirror, try to lessen the reflected facial aging changes, facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) allows the surgeon to pull up on the cheeks and pull back and up on neck tissues to reverse the laxity and drooping associated with gravity and the normal aging process. A facelift… Read More