Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery
5 out of 5 5 1 12
(425) 358-4164
1260 116th Ave NE, Ste 110, Bellevue, WA 98004

Where are the incisions for breast implants made?


Incisions for breast augmentation can be made in three areas. They are positioned to conceal and minimize scarring. Transaxillary (in the armpit) Periareolar (around the nipple) Inframamary (in the breast fold) A fourth incision site through the belly button exists, but is infrequently used. Saline and silicone implants can be placed either under or over… Read More

What is the anesthesia used during breast augmentation surgery?


Breast augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure with patients discharged home about an hour after the procedure. Anesthesia can be IV sedation or general anesthesia.  Both types are available in our state-licensed and Medicare-Certified surgical center. These options are discussed with the patient during the pre-operative consultation. For general anesthesia we use experienced, board certified… Read More

How can I prepare for breast augmentation surgery?


During your initial consultation your options for implant type, incision location and implant placement will be thoroughly discussed. Implant sizers will be used to determine the implant size and profile to best fulfill your needs and expectations. You will undergo exam and tests including: Examination of your overall health status A baseline mammogram Photographs to… Read More

What are the available types of breast implants?


Saline Implants Sterile salt water filled (saline implants) are FDA-approved for woman over 18 years of age.  They have a firm feel and uniform shape. If they leak the saline implant collapses with the sterile saline fluid naturally absorbed by the body.   Silicone Implants Silicone breast implants have been FDA-approved for women over 22… Read More

What is breast augmentation?


Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) procedures increase the size of breasts or restore the shape and volume of breast tissue lost in pregnancy or weight loss. This can be accomplished with breast implants or transfer of your own fat (fat transfer breast augmentation). Augmentation can: Increase the size or projection or your breasts Correct a difference… Read More