How is a brow lift procedure performed?
The technique used for a forehead lift depends of several factors: the patient’s hair style, hair density, depth of frown lines, and position of hair line. A brow lift can be performed through an incision across the top of the head behind the hair line (coronal lift), at the hair line, in a furrow across the forehead or a direct brow lift above the eyelashes. The area under the skin is undermined and excess skin is excised. A brow lift can also perform as an endoscopic brow lift through small incisions within the hair line using an endoscope.
If the brow lift is performed behind the hairline the incision is hidden in the hairline. Incisions at the hairline can be hidden by bangs while incisions across the forehead or above the eyebrows are hidden in natural lines and will fade with time.
The incision lines can be closed with removable or absorbable sutures or with special clips.
Dr. Zemplenyi tailors the procedure to patient requirements and desires to produce a natural result for larger and less tired appearing eyes.