Gynecomastia surgery costs are dependent upon the kind of procedure and how long it takes. You will be given an estimate during the consultation
Are there risks associated with gynecomastia surgery?
PostedAll surgical procedures carry some risks. These include infection, bleeding, blood clots and adverse reaction to anesthesia. Breast surgery may lead to loss of feeling in the nipples or breasts. There may be need for revision surgery, asymmetrical breasts or nipples or scars. Consequences of the surgery will be discussed during your consultation.
What are the postoperative instructions?
PostedNormal activities may be resumed in about two weeks but energetic exercise and heavy lifting should not be attempted for about three to four weeks.
What kind of surgical technique is used to remove excess breast tissue in gynecomastia?
PostedThe type of surgery used in gynecomastia reduction depends upon breast size, type of tissue and how much tissue must be removed. If fatty tissue is responsible for the problem, liposuction is often enough. If glandular tissue must be removed, an incision is made to remove the firm glandular tissue. When excess skin is involved,… Read More
What type of anesthesia is used for gynecomastia surgery?
PostedYou and your surgeon will discuss whether intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will provide you the most safety and comfort.
What can I do to prepare for gynecomastia surgery?
PostedCeasing smoking as far in advance as possible before the procedure will encourage healing. It is also necessary to stop aspirin, some herbal supplements, Vitamin E and anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the chance for post-operative bleeding. A baseline mammogram is often recommended, as well. Detailed instructions will be provided to aid you in preparing for… Read More
What is the cost for Broken Capillary Treatment?
PostedThe cost for Broken Capillary Treatment will be discussed at the time of the pre-operative visit and depends on the size and number of capillaries treated.
What is the recovery time for Broken Capillary Treatment?
PostedOther than the healing time, there is little to no downtime or recovery period for these treatments.
How many treatments are necessary?
PostedThe number of needed sessions necessary to treat the condition depends on the size of the capillary network. The number varies from one treatment for smaller capillaries to several treatments for more extensive networks.
What can I expect post-procedure?
PostedWith broken capillary treatment, you may experience some blistering, redness, tenderness or bruising.