Patients: Brow Lift
Brow Lift Patient 1
45-year-old woman complained of a sleepy, fatigued appearance along with decreased peripheral vision. She underwent a forehead lift (browlift) through an incision at the hairline (trichial forehead lift) along with upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) as well as CO2 laser resurfacing and pinch excision of excess lower eyelid skin. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Brow Lift Patient 2
52-year-old woman complained of sad, and fatigue-looking eyes along with lower eyelid fullness (fat bag). She elected to undergo a browlift through an in front of hairline (pre-trichial) incision as well as upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). *Individual patient results will vary
More....Brow Lift Patient 3
66-year-old man complained of asymmetrical brows with the left side always more droopy. Because of the history of male pattern balding he underwent a mid-forehead brow lift and upper eyelid surgery. A forehead mole (nevus) above the left eyebrow was also removed. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Brow Lift Patient 4
61-year-old man complained of fatigued eyes with low eyebrows. He chose to undergo an endoscopic browlift. An otoplasty (ear pinning surgery) was also performed. *Individual patient results will vary
More....Brow Lift Patient 5
55-year-old woman complained of heaviness of eyelids. She was found to have a brow droop as well age-related changes. She underwent a forehead lift (browlift) through an incision at the hairline (trichial forehead lift) along with upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). *Individual patient results will vary
More....Brow Lift Patient 6
57-year-old woman underwent a forehead lift to deal with drooping eyelids and forehead. She was also concerned about the increased accentuation of her jowls and the droopiness of her cheeks as well as age-related changes to the neck (“turkey neck”). She underwent a SMAS facelift (cheek lift and platysmaplastys and necklift). *Individual patient results will vary
More....Brow Lift Patient 7
76 year-old woman complained of droopy eye brows and underwent a hairline incision brow lift. *Individual patient results will vary