Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery
5 out of 5 5 1 12
(425) 358-4164
1260 116th Ave NE, Ste 110, Bellevue, WA 98004

Archive for the ‘Plastic Surgery’ Category

What Should You Expect from Eyelid Surgery?


The most common effects of aging typically occur around the eyes. We’re talking about wrinkles around the eyes, and it’s probably one of the biggest problems among older people. Over the years, loose or saggy skin can disturb the natural contour of your upper eyelid, making it difficult to see. Loose skin around the eyes… Read More

Breathe Better after Rhinoplasty


Many people undergo rhinoplasty every year in the United States to improve the shape of their nose. In the past, some have experienced difficulty with nasal breathing due to their better “looking” nose. Thankfully, newer techniques allow the nose to be reshaped without breathing problems. Often people get a rhinoplasty primarily to improve their breathing…. Read More

Tighter Skin, Shapelier Contour with Smart Lipo


What is SmartLipo Triplex SmartLipo Triplex uses the third generation of SMART-Lipo technology for liposculpting and relies on energy of three laser wavelength to dissolve stubborn fat while tightening skin. The technique uses all three frequencies to achieve more precise results, with less downtime and trauma. An internal temperature probe at the tip of the… Read More

A Nose Job for a Real Job?


While no replacement for résumé writers, career counselors or recruiters, cosmetic surgeons can help people get jobs too.  Of course, going through with nose surgery for a new profile isn’t necessarily going to make you the best employee but appearance definitely affects your confidence and does make the first impression in an interview. If you’re… Read More

Rhinoplasty to Fix a Broken Nose


We in the Seattle area enjoy the active, sports-filled lifestyle that our mountains, forests and beaches provide.  But hold tight to your handlebars and watch that teammate’s elbows because all that energy could come in contact with your nose.  With its protruding central position in the face, it is no surprise that the nose is… Read More

Rhinoplasty: Narrowing the Wide Nose


Noses come in all shapes and sizes and there as many opinions of the ideal nasal profile. Some consider the tip of the nose too bulbous or the nostrils too wide or the bridge too broad. But whatever the concern, the nose, the central feature of the face, plays an important role in a person’s… Read More

Less Pain, More Gain


Here at the Bel-Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery we do not agree with the axiom “no pain, no gain” — quite the opposite. In addition to local and topical anesthetics, cooling and the smallest-diameter needles (32 gauge), we have added another technique in our unending quest to provide the utmost in comfort for our patients: vibration, which… Read More

Plastic Surgery and Teens: FAQs


What are the main reasons teens seek out plastic surgery? Small children undergo plastic reconstructive surgery to correct function caused by congenital abnormalities such as cleft lip and palate. On the other hand, older children and teens seek out cosmetic plastic procedures that have more aesthetic goal that has a lot to do with improving… Read More

Tis the Season…for Facelifts!


Seriously, winter is a fantastic time for cosmetic surgery! Many people in the Seattle area and elsewhere opt for a facelifts and other cosmetic surgical procedures during this time of year. If you’ve planned ahead, good thinking! For those wondering why winter might be a good time for cosmetic surgery, let me tell you why…… Read More